- Publisher: Chetna Parkashan

Apne Apne Marseia (‘Journeys’) short stories explore the emotional and mental condition of predominately female characters coping with shock, confusion, and sadness. Sarghi delves deep into the values and complexities of a male centered culture where enormous power imbalance in intimate relationships leave women vulnerable to abuse, cruelty, and rape. In the title story Apne Apne Marseia two female friends have been married to two male friends from the same village. Both men are killed in an accident. Instead of wallowing in despair, the widows establish a variety of new relationships. Though sad they refuse to resign themselves to life-long misery. They find new ways of living meaningfully in their community.
The English title ‘Holiday Wife,’ for a story in the book is shockingly original in Punjabi fiction. A woman’s husband lives in another country, and he is also married to a woman there. He liaisons with his Punjab based (first) wife during his occasional visits. Overtime, her reflections on the meaning of gender equality within husband-wife relationship led her to secretly find a holiday husband.
All the stories touch upon the sufferings and determination of characters living in transnational, distant and rapidly changing relationships. Expressions from folktales, pithy idioms and Gurbani (hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib) are skillfully employed for a fascinating read.
“While struggling within the strictures of a patriarchal society women are finding their own voices and identities. The author’s sensitive exploration of this theme is profoundly original.”
Gurmukhi Jury
“A truthful depiction of the here and now. Kaleidoscopic perspective. Visionary and hopeful.”
Central Jury