Balwinder Singh Grewal

Khanna, Punjab, India
Balwinder Singh Grewal was born in the village Boothgarh, Tehsil Khanna, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. He earned his B.A. from A.S. College, Khanna, and M.A. in Economics from Punjabi University Patiala. In grade four the story of Roop Basant and Jaswant Kamal’s novel ‘Sach Nu Phannsi’ sparked a keen interest in him for literature. His first book of short stories was published in 1990 followed by ‘Yudh Khetar’ (1999) and ‘Khande Di Dhaar’ (2000), ‘Ik Ghar Azad Hindian Da’ (2007) and a book of his selected works, ‘Sooraj Di Koi Pith Ni Hundi.’ The title story ‘Dubolia’ was first published in 2018.
Though an economist by training and a career administrator of an educational institute, Grewal has received critical acclaim as an influential writer. He is the recipient of numerous awards including Bhatthal Yaadgari Inaam, Kahanikaar Sujaan Singh Yadgaari Inaam, Mata Sawaran Kaur Yaadagari Inaam, and Jaswant Singh Kanwal Inaam.